My Top Network Marketing Companies
Many lists of the top network marketing companies have been compiled and each one is different.
There are top network marketing companies of each year. There are top network marketing companies over the last 10 years. And there are even top network marketing companies based only on Alexa rankings, or the most popular MLM websites if you will.
All of the above lists have some merit, but it can be very confusing when you are actually looking for a network marketing company because you want to start working toward financial independence in a reasonable amount of time, you don't want to pay a large startup cost, and you don't want to lose any more money online. So if you see a company over and over again on several of the lists you are researching, it probably is a good company to narrow down YOUR OWN list to.
My list is totally subjective. Having been in the network marketing business for about 20 years, and having had contact with many, many distributors of many, many companies over the years, I have a good feel for what are good companies based on the reports that I receive. I also have been a distributor myself in a few of them so I have first hand knowledge as well. They are in no particular order and I'm sure alot of people will disagree with the list since their company is not listed.
The other criteria I used to determine which companies made the list of My Top Network Marketing Companies is the same criteria I used to determine how to evaluate network marketing opportunities in a recent blog post.
Finally, as I have mentioned in another blog post, you can have the best company, the best products, the best compensation plan, the best marketing system, and the best management team, but the most important selection criteria is your sponsor and upline. People decide whether to join people long before they decide to join a company. So, just use this list as "heresay evidence" that the network marketing companies you are considering will be boiled down to which sponsor or upline do I trust the most.
My List Of The Top Network Marketing Companies
- Synergy Worldwide
- LifeVantage
- Empower Network
- Nerium
- Bidify
- Talk Fusion
- Sisel International
- Organo Gold
- Premier Designs
For a different slant on making money in network marketing, check out
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