Saturday, February 2, 2013

How To Make Money With Network Marketing In Today's Economy

How To Make Money With Network Marketing In Today's Economy - Part I

If you've been involved in network marketing or
MLM for any length of time, you know of many of
the difficulties encountered in trying to build
a downline that:

(1) Stays on autoship
(2) Actively markets the business or products
(3) Continues learning as part of the business
(4) Treats their MLM business as a business
(5) Keeps in regular contact with their upline
    and downline
(6) Is willing to spend money on their business
(7) Stays excited and motivated after a couple
    of months in the business
(8) Will get out of their comfort zone to really
    become a leader

From a very basic perspective, network marketing
is an ingenious business model.  All you have to
do is find a few people who will pay money for
products they like and will consume regularly, and
who will likewise replicate what you do, with the
motivation of earning more money than they've ever
seen made.

But from a practical perspective, there are so
many obstacles that make forming that network of
product users so difficult, that the vast majority
of people won't persist to overcome those obstacles.
The end result is millions of people who have put
forth minimal effort and eventually quit, never to
take an interest again, even though they once
believed network marketing was a godsend at the time.

There is, however, a small percentage of people I
will call Group 1.  They see network marketing as
the 8th wonder of the world.  Many of them have
never even made much money at it but still know
that it uses maximum leverage which is essential
in working smarter, not harder.  They also believe
there is no more likely way for an average person
to create residual income than in network marketing.
You want as many of these people in your network
marketing empire that you can find.  Group 1 is
the most prized group.

I'm sure you've heard of the Paredo Principal.  It
states that in any organization, 20% of the people
will do 80% of the work and conversely, 80% of the
people will do the remaining 20%.  It is especially
true in network marketing.  I call this Group 2 and
you are looking for some of these 20% to join your
network marketing team.

They may not be as big a believer in network marketing
as Group 1, but still will do what it takes to build
a big business.

There are many newbies who also are looking for
a way to generate an online income but don't really
understand how network marketing works and how hard
it can be.  A small percentage of these people will
turn out to be leaders on your team over time but
most will not survive even if they have a top notch
mentor.  They are just unprepared for what it takes
to make the big money.

Unfortunately, you can sprinkle your downline with
this group but we do not want a downline full of
inexperienced newbies.  It is a prescription for
failure.  I call this Group 3.

And finally, everyone would love to get one of those
so-called "heavy hitters" in their network who will
bring dozens of other heavy hitters into their network
and the upline can retire to a "life of Riley" on the
beaches of the world.

I'm sorry to throw cold water on your beach daydreams,
but these are not the kind of people you want on your
team.  I call these "heavy hitters" Group 4.  Heavy
hitters could also be called "drive by networkers".
They are usually hyped for the next big launch and
will cause you more problems than they are worth.
Not only will they leave your downline just when you
are ready to really start making some money, but they
will take many of their heavy hitter friends with them.
Stay away from these people if at all possible.  At
least don't court them for your business.  You will
regret it.

So, how do you market your network marketing business
so that you get mostly Group 1 and Group 2 individuals
while minimizing Group 3 and Group 4?
t is all about WHO you are marketing to.  If you are
marketing to your friends, neighbors, and relatives,
even if you are the best "salesperson", you are going
to have a bunch of Group 3 people.  Not a good thing.
If you advertise in regular media, like newspapers,
and the "thrifty nickel" type papers, you will not
be happy with the type of people you get there either.
Usually more Group 3 than anything.

Even cold calling leads doesn't work anymore since most
people won't answer the phone if they don't know who
it is, or they only have a cell phone and will get
ticked off if they receive your call while they are
busy doing something.

Safelists and traffic exchanges are very popular with
networkers but trying to send people to look at your
network marketing company's replicated site just won't
work either, no matter how eye catching.  It is because
you are preaching to the choir when you advertise your
opportunity there.  It gets down to: join my program
because it is better than what you are doing.

People don't just "surf" those lists and exchanges
because they are bored.  They are surfing for credits
because they want to advertise their opportunity or
products.  So they are not really interested in what
you are doing.  The veterans of safelists and exchanges
actually don't stop surfing to check out other opps.
They may mark something to get back to if it looks
interesting but they are on a mission of getting enough
credits to send their ad out and aren't usually looking
at other ads.

That is not the formula for getting people interested
in your program.  There is a better way.

Safelists and traffic exchanges have many Group 1 and
Group 2 people, so if you could get many of them
interested in what you are offering, you may have
good success.  But you must do it properly and offer
a "twist".

To continue, see: How To Actually Market To Safelists And Traffic Exchanges To Be Most Effective

How To Actually Market To Safelists And Traffic Exchanges To Be Most Effective

How To Actually Market To Safelists And Traffic Exchanges To Be Most Effective

As mentioned in my previous post, How To Make Money With Network Marketing In Today's Economy - Part I,  you can no longer just send people to your company website and expect people to sign up. There is too much competition for the number of people that are actually looking for a network marketing opportunity. Add to the fact that people are real skitish about believing that an opportunity is going to deliver what it promises, it makes getting even one good prospect from your company website a real challenge.

Safelists and traffic exchanges are overflowing with people who could really make a difference in your downline, really loaded with Group 1 and Group 2 individuals, but you can't just send an email or a splash page that says join my program because...yadah, yadah, yadah.

You need to offer them something that is going to improve their odds of making money. For instance, this report is loaded with content and doesn't try to sell anything, and consequently, is a great way to get interested people to view a link at the end of the report that isn't a flat out sales job.

Another way is to offer a unique concept that can improve their chances to make money but is also very believable. For instance, if I told you that 95% of networkers put the cart before the horse and that's why they quit before they make any money, you might want to know how you can apply that concept to your network marketing business.

I use the "cart before the horse" analogy frequently with good success because I happen to know that once people see the explanation of how a large, active downline can be built by avoiding putting the cart before the horse, it becomes much easier to get them to take a look at one of my links.

And finally, promoting a simple, cheap, and effective SYSTEM to market with is always of interest to safelist and traffic exchange surfers. Because marketing is the name of the game and if you can do something easier, cheaper, and more efficient, it is going to improve your chances of making money, which is why we are here in the first place. That is the third piece of the puzzle that I use.

So, lets recap:

My three pronged approach to marketing to safelists and traffic exchanges, which is where your target market resides, is:

(1) Great content in the way of a FREE report without any salesy promotion.

(2) A unique concept which creates enough curiosity, so that if people can relate to it in their own previous experience, they want to know how they can use the concept or avoid using it, whichever the case may be.

(3) Offer a real simple system that is real inexpensive, and really works that will help them build any network marketing business into a real dynasty. In a nutshell, offer a near-perfect marketing system.