Saturday, February 2, 2013

How To Actually Market To Safelists And Traffic Exchanges To Be Most Effective

How To Actually Market To Safelists And Traffic Exchanges To Be Most Effective

As mentioned in my previous post, How To Make Money With Network Marketing In Today's Economy - Part I,  you can no longer just send people to your company website and expect people to sign up. There is too much competition for the number of people that are actually looking for a network marketing opportunity. Add to the fact that people are real skitish about believing that an opportunity is going to deliver what it promises, it makes getting even one good prospect from your company website a real challenge.

Safelists and traffic exchanges are overflowing with people who could really make a difference in your downline, really loaded with Group 1 and Group 2 individuals, but you can't just send an email or a splash page that says join my program because...yadah, yadah, yadah.

You need to offer them something that is going to improve their odds of making money. For instance, this report is loaded with content and doesn't try to sell anything, and consequently, is a great way to get interested people to view a link at the end of the report that isn't a flat out sales job.

Another way is to offer a unique concept that can improve their chances to make money but is also very believable. For instance, if I told you that 95% of networkers put the cart before the horse and that's why they quit before they make any money, you might want to know how you can apply that concept to your network marketing business.

I use the "cart before the horse" analogy frequently with good success because I happen to know that once people see the explanation of how a large, active downline can be built by avoiding putting the cart before the horse, it becomes much easier to get them to take a look at one of my links.

And finally, promoting a simple, cheap, and effective SYSTEM to market with is always of interest to safelist and traffic exchange surfers. Because marketing is the name of the game and if you can do something easier, cheaper, and more efficient, it is going to improve your chances of making money, which is why we are here in the first place. That is the third piece of the puzzle that I use.

So, lets recap:

My three pronged approach to marketing to safelists and traffic exchanges, which is where your target market resides, is:

(1) Great content in the way of a FREE report without any salesy promotion.

(2) A unique concept which creates enough curiosity, so that if people can relate to it in their own previous experience, they want to know how they can use the concept or avoid using it, whichever the case may be.

(3) Offer a real simple system that is real inexpensive, and really works that will help them build any network marketing business into a real dynasty. In a nutshell, offer a near-perfect marketing system.

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