Thursday, January 17, 2013

Do MLM Blogs Increase Signups?

Do MLM Blogs Increase Signups?

An increasing number of network marketers have seemed to be getting into the blogging arena, specifically writing MLM blogs to increase traffic to the company website through links in the blog posts and consequently to increase signups in their MLM business opportunity.

But here are 10 rhetorical questions I would like to pose to individuals who have an MLM blog and those who are contemplating developing one:

  1. Do MLM blogs increase visitors to individual MLM company websites?
  2. What is the target market that MLM blogs cater to?
  3. Is the time spent writing posts for the MLM blogs a worthy use of time or could it be better spent actually building the MLM business?
  4. Are MLM blogs just "preaching to the choir" or do people who know nothing about MLM actually benefiting from all of the content being written?
  5. Are MLM blogs being promoted properly by writing articles, getting backlinks, using proper keyword density, using metatags, and having proper permalink setup and all the other things search engines look for?
  6. Would you consider the majority of MLM blogs of having good, solid content that actually can make a difference in someone's research, or are the majority of them just "cluttering up" the internet?
  7. Are MLM blogs the primary way that MLM company websites are now being promoted instead of sending prospects there directly?
  8. How many people with MLM blogs have a self-imposed title on their blog, such as "network marketing expert" or "home business coach"?
  9. Do original articles submitted to popular article directories have a better chance of getting on the first page of search engines than individual MLM blog posts?
  10. Are MLM businesses being built the traditional way any more with home or hotel meetings, or are they a thing of the past with MLM blogs taking their place?
These are just a few of the questions that have come to mind as I see the proliferation of blogs with MLM type content all over the internet.  At some point, blogs may be passe' and a new form of a public online communication will arise, but in the meantime, it looks like the MLM blog is here to stay.

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