Saturday, January 19, 2013

Marketing Today Requires A Different Mindset

Marketing-The Key To Your Success

It doesn't matter whether it is offline or online, if you can effectively market your network marketing opportunity, you will have success.  It is marketing, getting the word out to large numbers of people usually as soon as possible, that will make or break a new distributor.  Why ASAP?  Because when people are spending decent money every month, most people are not going to be able to survive even 6 months without having some money coming in to offset the cost of products and maybe even some advertising if that is part of the marketing plan.  So, how does your upline suggest you market your opportunity?  Let's take a look at some common marketing methods.

Some Common (And Not So Common) Marketing Methods Network Marketers Routinely Use

  1. Make a list of everybody you know.  Use a "memory jogger" to really pad your list.
  2. Home meetings to "show the plan" or if close by a successful upline, use hotel meetings.
  3. 3 Way Calls, the old standby of using 3rd party expertise when face-to-face isn't feasible.
  4. Hand out multi-color brochures, or better yet, CD's and then follow up, follow up, follow up.
  5. Use drop cards with a catchy look and phrase and "drop" them everywhere you go.  You never know when an interested person may pick one up.
  6. Put flyers on door knobs or cars in mall parking lots telling them to call a "sissle number" for more information.
  7. Buy leads and then call them one by one, maybe even invest in automated software to make those calls rapidly.
  8. Buy leads and then pay to have them "blasted" with emails.  With the best response rate, you would need millions to maybe get a few responses.
  9. Steering conversations at parties or at the mall with complete strangers to "what do you do for a living" type conversations.
  10. Asking friends if they might know of somebody who would be interested in an extra few thousand dollars a month.  And then suprisingly, your friend says, "Well, I am!"
  11. Traffic exchanges and safelists.  Nothing like "preaching to the choir" since everyone on those lists has the same intention, find interested prospectsfor their own opportunity.  But there aren't any, at least that are truly serious.
  12. Place ads in local papers or if you have alot of money lying around, in USA Today.
  13. Place ads on internet advertising sites like Craigslist or Backpage.
  14. Start a blog by writing posts daily and submit articles often to article directories and visit high authority sites to post backlinks to your blog and participate on forums to get your blog URL out there and...wheww!!
  15. Spend some money on a one-on-one coach who can work directly with you to "ensure" your success.
  16. Find a mentor who will take you under his/her wing and "show you the ropes" to make sure you don't have to "take the arrows" all yourself.
  17. Buy leads and do a "Fax Blast".
  18. Lead with the products.  If you have great products, surely you can "sell" people to try your $50 vitamins even though they've never taken vitamins before.
  19. Give people your products so they get "hooked" and will become a repeat customer and buy them from you after their free supply runs out.  Of course, that can be very expensive.
  20. Use social media the right way. (No advertising, just "subtly" mention that you have a business opportunity and maybe they will ask you about it).  Or get your own "company page" to drive traffic to but unfortunately only others in your business already join your group.
  21. Buy mobile ads on smart phones.  After all, that is the current trend, right?  Well, I tried that and was told by the largest mobile ad company in the U.S. that "we don't have any demand for network marketing ads".  End of story.
I could go on, but you get the picture.  There are 21 different marketing methods there but still over 90% of people who sign up today using those methods will quit within one year.  Why is that?  I'll tell you why.

Network Marketing Today Requires A Different Mindset

If you are trying to "sell" your MLM opportunity today, you will die a slow death.  That is not hyperbole, that is fact.  You'll read some posts from "gurus" about the future of network marketing being very bright because of a bad economy getting worse.  And that may be correct. 

But you will not be getting many of those "down and out" people because most will already have lost their jobs and they can't afford to jump into a business that is going to cost them money on a monthly basis.  THEY DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY.  Most of them had been told for years by one or two of their friends (see above) that they needed to start looking at other ways to make money but they didn't heed the warnings.  Now, it is too late.

The change in mindset that is needed is to realize that you need to build a "team" before your network marketing company starts charging them for products.  And you can't have a monthly fee to build that team.  If you need to, you can charge a one-time, lifetime administrative fee of say, $25 and then take as long as needed to build the team.  Obviously, faster is better so if any money is in the budget, paid advertising will work because we have changed the mindset of "selling an opportunity" to "building a team first" and then choosing an opportunity after a good income is assured.  If no money is in the budget, then there should be free programs available so that anyone can take advantage by earning their $25 administrative fee.

It is nothing more than putting the horse before the cart, the way it should be than the other way around.  If you would like to take a look at how a specific mindset change could work, which by the way, has over 4 million members to date, click here.


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