A Different Way To Build A Multilevel Marketing Business
I'm sure you have heard the expression, "Don't Put The Cart Before The Horse". And I'm also sure the expression came from the days when the only mode of transportation for moving things from one place to the other was a horse pulling a cart. So you can understand that putting the cart before the horse was not a way you were going to haul anything. Well, it's also what 99% of Multilevel Marketing Business Owners do as well. Let me explain.
Putting The Cart Before The Horse In A Multilevel Marketing Business
When you sign on the application form to begin your multilevel marketing business, you probably also are heavily encouraged or even required to begin your monthly autoship at the same time. This is usually required before your sponsor or upline will begin working with you since it is the way that your entire upline gets paid. So, right out of the chute, you have an initial expense for the "business kit" as well as for your initial products, which can be several hundred dollars total. And, to top it off, you can expect usually a $100 to $200 bill for products in 28 to 30 days and every month thereafter.
This expense is usually what kills a new multilevel marketing business owner.
Let me ask you, if you could build your multilevel marketing business team FIRST, before you ever had to pay for your initial product order and any subsequent product orders, would that allow many, many more distributors to stay in the business and consequently, produce a bigger and more productive downline? And, once you had a loyal, dedicated team, would you be more than happy to begin your product purchase and realize a sizable income almost overnight?
Well, this is not a fantasy. This is a cutting-edge, adapt with the changing industry, way to build a multilevel marketing business in today's world. Read further, and you just might become a believer.
How To Put The Horse Back Before The Cart In Your Multilevel Marketing Business
Here is letter taken from another website that I developed and currently market, http://TeamBeaman.com It is a concept that is growing by leaps and bounds and currently has several hundred members. See if it doesn't resinate with you.From the Desk Of -
Dennis Beaman
Greetings Future Teammates,
Let me introduce myself. My name is Dennis Beaman and I am a veteran online marketer. But don't let that fool you. I am not an self-proclaimed expert nor am I a self-made online millionaire. I am just an average guy who has seen and experienced first hand how ruthless, frustrating, and cruel the online money making world can be. I've lost more money online than some of you have probably made in 6 months or maybe even a year!
So, I decided to change what the "experts" told me to do, and do what is clearly aligned with what I believe. What you are about to read is revolutionary to say the least, but I believe if you follow your core beliefs that emphasize helping other people, you cannot fail.
I used to coach football, both high school and college for nearly 20 years. I was always preaching that T.E.A.M. stood for: Together Everyone Achieves More. And when my teams bought into that concept, and became totally unselfish, we blew the doors off the competition.
Our team is just an extension of that concept. And anyone that buys into our mission and joins us will find that their outlook on business, on marketing, and on life will improve immensely. Take a 14 day test drive by clicking on the blue banner and we'll prove it to you!
Let me say upfront that our team does not dwell on the money they make. Because once you focus on how much money you can make, you will never achieve the abundance you deserve. It is about helping people. And I'm sure you have heard many times the Zig Zigler quote, "If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want." Truer words were never spoken but on this team, we take it to heart.
At Team Beaman we use the leverage of hundreds of thousands of ACTIVE team members to increase everyone's bank account, but it is by being a teammate, mentor, and friend to those you can help that really makes our team unlike anything you will have ever been involved with. But be forewarned. Honesty is a true character trait with us and we will tell you "like it is", so no whining will be allowed. It is probably a carryover from my football coaching days:)
So, what exactly is it that we do?
Our business is Team Building, but not by using those so-called team building exercises you find at self-improvement seminars. We focus on building real, large, lifelong, very active teams that are ready to tackle the world and allow everyone on the team to prosper, even if you are not a recruiting superstar. Once that team reaches a pre-determined level, the team then systematically joins one or more elite online programs as a team, increases their incomes almost overnight, and continue to build, coach, and mentor their teammates so that new teammates get the same benefit.
And we never ever enter "fly-by'night" programs. We always look for solid opportunities that have been around for at least 2 years, which in turn produce income that will sustain each of us monetarilly through the rest of our lives and even our grandchildren's lives.
How much does it cost to join? Let's just say that, as a team, we take care of our teammates. Our total team system outley is $25 for a lifetime membership. And if $25 is an issue, we will even show you how that administrative fee can be waived. We don't want money to ever be a reason that someone who is sincere and maybe desperate can't join us.
This team is for anyone that has ever been beat down but has the courage to get back up and fight. Fighting to help others even though your circumstances are less than ideal is a very worthy cause and you will be rewarded. That is the selflessness that has made this team unique. There are alot of people out there that will work hard if given direction, and we want all of those people to join us.
In building our team, we have combined the best of two worlds - A recruiting platform which takes rapid team building to a whole new level using techniques proven to find over 4 million online referrals in the last 8 years, and the "how to" of building and sustaining a loyal, dedicated team that will last a lifetime.
The team building aspect of our team utilizes an ingenious method of getting everyone involved in marketing efforts, called "enforced team support" through a step by step blueprint called the "Success Wizard". It is the main core of our referring platform. And if results are slow in coming for anyone, the "team" pitches in to help, provided consistant team activities are being met. There are always at least TWO people, besides yourself, that have a vested interest in seeing you get 5 ACTIVE referrals to start, even to the point of actually giving them to you if need be, provided you demonstrate a work ethic that will return the favor to another less fortunate member! That is why our team is so successful. Everyone succeeds or no one succeeds. To see this phenomenal program, click on the blue Referral banner below and take a tour.
The 2nd aspect of building a dynamic, long lasting team is fully explained in the free, 90 page ebook you will download immediately after clicking on the Referral banner and giving some information. This ebook communicates how to build a lifelong team that will become teammates for life. You will be able to see that our business is a "people" business, not a product business nor a company business. That is why we don't put the cart before the horse like 98% of people wanting to make money online by looking at the product, the company, and a whole host of things that are less important than YOU! YOU are the reason people will join you, not company, products, or even the compensation plan. This concept will forever change the way you view any business, because all businesses need customers. And your teammates ARE your customers and should be treated as such because they are at the heart of a lasting, profitable business.
If any of the above makes sense to you, take a tour of our referring platform and then click on the red banner to read the "secrets" to building a team for life! Our system really is the first true team approach to making money! Take a FREE tour and see what being part of a REAL team is like!
Dennis Beaman
Let me introduce myself. My name is Dennis Beaman and I am a veteran online marketer. But don't let that fool you. I am not an self-proclaimed expert nor am I a self-made online millionaire. I am just an average guy who has seen and experienced first hand how ruthless, frustrating, and cruel the online money making world can be. I've lost more money online than some of you have probably made in 6 months or maybe even a year!
So, I decided to change what the "experts" told me to do, and do what is clearly aligned with what I believe. What you are about to read is revolutionary to say the least, but I believe if you follow your core beliefs that emphasize helping other people, you cannot fail.
I used to coach football, both high school and college for nearly 20 years. I was always preaching that T.E.A.M. stood for: Together Everyone Achieves More. And when my teams bought into that concept, and became totally unselfish, we blew the doors off the competition.
Our team is just an extension of that concept. And anyone that buys into our mission and joins us will find that their outlook on business, on marketing, and on life will improve immensely. Take a 14 day test drive by clicking on the blue banner and we'll prove it to you!
Let me say upfront that our team does not dwell on the money they make. Because once you focus on how much money you can make, you will never achieve the abundance you deserve. It is about helping people. And I'm sure you have heard many times the Zig Zigler quote, "If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want." Truer words were never spoken but on this team, we take it to heart.
At Team Beaman we use the leverage of hundreds of thousands of ACTIVE team members to increase everyone's bank account, but it is by being a teammate, mentor, and friend to those you can help that really makes our team unlike anything you will have ever been involved with. But be forewarned. Honesty is a true character trait with us and we will tell you "like it is", so no whining will be allowed. It is probably a carryover from my football coaching days:)
So, what exactly is it that we do?
Our business is Team Building, but not by using those so-called team building exercises you find at self-improvement seminars. We focus on building real, large, lifelong, very active teams that are ready to tackle the world and allow everyone on the team to prosper, even if you are not a recruiting superstar. Once that team reaches a pre-determined level, the team then systematically joins one or more elite online programs as a team, increases their incomes almost overnight, and continue to build, coach, and mentor their teammates so that new teammates get the same benefit.
And we never ever enter "fly-by'night" programs. We always look for solid opportunities that have been around for at least 2 years, which in turn produce income that will sustain each of us monetarilly through the rest of our lives and even our grandchildren's lives.
How much does it cost to join? Let's just say that, as a team, we take care of our teammates. Our total team system outley is $25 for a lifetime membership. And if $25 is an issue, we will even show you how that administrative fee can be waived. We don't want money to ever be a reason that someone who is sincere and maybe desperate can't join us.
This team is for anyone that has ever been beat down but has the courage to get back up and fight. Fighting to help others even though your circumstances are less than ideal is a very worthy cause and you will be rewarded. That is the selflessness that has made this team unique. There are alot of people out there that will work hard if given direction, and we want all of those people to join us.
In building our team, we have combined the best of two worlds - A recruiting platform which takes rapid team building to a whole new level using techniques proven to find over 4 million online referrals in the last 8 years, and the "how to" of building and sustaining a loyal, dedicated team that will last a lifetime.
The team building aspect of our team utilizes an ingenious method of getting everyone involved in marketing efforts, called "enforced team support" through a step by step blueprint called the "Success Wizard". It is the main core of our referring platform. And if results are slow in coming for anyone, the "team" pitches in to help, provided consistant team activities are being met. There are always at least TWO people, besides yourself, that have a vested interest in seeing you get 5 ACTIVE referrals to start, even to the point of actually giving them to you if need be, provided you demonstrate a work ethic that will return the favor to another less fortunate member! That is why our team is so successful. Everyone succeeds or no one succeeds. To see this phenomenal program, click on the blue Referral banner below and take a tour.
The 2nd aspect of building a dynamic, long lasting team is fully explained in the free, 90 page ebook you will download immediately after clicking on the Referral banner and giving some information. This ebook communicates how to build a lifelong team that will become teammates for life. You will be able to see that our business is a "people" business, not a product business nor a company business. That is why we don't put the cart before the horse like 98% of people wanting to make money online by looking at the product, the company, and a whole host of things that are less important than YOU! YOU are the reason people will join you, not company, products, or even the compensation plan. This concept will forever change the way you view any business, because all businesses need customers. And your teammates ARE your customers and should be treated as such because they are at the heart of a lasting, profitable business.
If any of the above makes sense to you, take a tour of our referring platform and then click on the red banner to read the "secrets" to building a team for life! Our system really is the first true team approach to making money! Take a FREE tour and see what being part of a REAL team is like!
Dennis Beaman
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